Error while loading images on workspaces

Can you help me to solve this please?

Feature(s) impacted

view profil pictures of users on workspaces

Observed behavior

when I select a row (user) I noticed an infinite loading calls for the images (Network tab on the screenshot bellow)

Expected behavior

It was working fine days before… when I select a row it show the picture on the component on the right side of collection.

Failure Logs



  • Project name: clevermate dashboard
  • Team name: …
  • Environment name: test & prod
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: “forest-express-sequelize”: “9.3.5”
  • Database type: postgres

Hi @Adel_de_Clevermate,

I don’t have any issue on my side :thinking:.
Did you try to open the url of one of your picture on another tab to see if it works ?

Hi @vince

Thanks for your response.

Yes I tried to open the image url on other tab and it load correctly.

I noticed when I do this :
Go to Data → edit the concerned collection (Tutors) → go to “Fields” → got to concerned field : “photo profil” → click on “Save” (without any changes) → go to workspace KYC … → the images load correctly.
But this is not working every time, and the bug appears again…

I’m sorry but when are you having the issue :thinking: ?
Because you are describing a case where it actually works

Do you have any error in your console ?

Sorry for the confusion.

The current behavior is this:
before selecting a row:

after selecting a row:

the issue: an infinite network calls for images urls (all 200 status). the image is expected to be viewed on the black box (screenshot above) but it is not appearing…

the console is not showing any errors, but I see these issues below:

I hope this makes it clear.
Let me know if you get any ideas why this can happen please.


Okey I may have found something but not sure it is related. I found another bug but on that widget so it might produce your error. I’ll let you know once the fix has been released

Okey I’ve merged a fix on an issue on the file viewer. Because other than that issue I could not find anything or reproduce any issue on my side :sweat_smile:
Let me know if it works for you

Hey @Adel_de_Clevermate,

Are you still experiencing this issue ?