I have a global smart-action “Créer une candidature” in my collection “application” :
name: 'Créer une candidature',
endpoint: '/forest/application/actions/create-application',
type: 'global',
fields: [{ field: 'Candidat', isRequired: true, type: 'String', reference: 'care-giver.id' }],
I have a relation Annonce.hasMany(Application), in the related data section “Candidature” I can see my smart-action.
I have a relation Annonce.BelongsTo(Beneficiary), i created a smart-relationship in Beneficiary collection to display the applications (beneficiary.annonce.applications). The data are displayed but i don’t have the smart-action.
But if i select one record i can see the single smart-actions
- Project name: click-and-care-backoffice
- Team name: ClicknCare
- Environment name: Preprod
- Agent type & version: forest-express-sequelize 8.5.8