Global Smart Action is not visible

Feature(s) impacted

Added smart action to a smart collection which is displayed in the “Related Data” section of another model.

Action button is not displayed in summary, only when clicking the related data collection name.

Observed behavior

While drag-droping the table into the summary view, without selecting a record , the “actions” drop down is not displayed.
Even when I select a record I can only see the single/bulk smart actions that were developed in the summary page

When clicking on the collection in the related data section the global action appears when loading the collection

Expected behavior

Global smart action should be visible in summary view as well.

Failure Logs


  • Project name: Empathy
  • Team name: Engineering
  • Environment name: development
  • Agent type & version: forest-express
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: new global smart action

Hi @RonenMeiri,

Let me check with my team if it’s something expected or if it’s a bug. I’ll come back as soon as I have more info :wink:

Hey @RonenMeiri,

We added the Global smart actions to the Related Data not a long time ago but we forgot the Summary View.
Thank you for reporting this issue, I will create a bug ticket :pray:

Many thanks for the quick reply.

Any ETA for this ticket?


Sorry I absolutely have no idea atm.

@vince any place that I can track when does this issue is solved?

All I Can say is that it is in the sort term roadmap :wink:. You can track its status here: ClickUp

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Hi @RonenMeiri :wave: a fix should been released in a few minute can you confirm later if your issue is fixed now?

Sure @Arnaud_Moncel.

Just let me know when the fix should be visible.

After refreshing your browser, the global action should be appear. Let me know :pray:

@Arnaud_Moncel thanks for the quick fix !!

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hey @Arnaud_Moncel,

for some reason I don’t see it any more on the summary tab ?
was this fix rolledback ?

Indeed, the fix was rollbacked due to a regression in the “related data” screen.

The fix should be available again today :+1:


please update this thread once it’s done.

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Hi @RonenMeiri :wave: the fix is available again. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Let me know if it back to normal for you :pray:

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Hey @Arnaud_Moncel,

it doesn’t look as fixed,
moreover, once marking a row, the action button doesn’t appear.

In order to try to reproduce your exact case, can I have more context please? :pray:
On which environment do you try to access the smart actions?
What are the roles and permission configured on the action and the target table?

@Arnaud_Moncel , sorry my bad - I was lacking permission on my role.

looks great!

many thanks,