Failed to push branch: Environment has not been initialized, please send an apimap to proceed

I want to develop a new smart action regarding a given model.

Feature(s) impacted

forest push

What I do:

  • install forest-cli with npm install -g forest-cli
  • init with forest init
  • set FOREST_AUTH_SECRET and FOREST_ENV_GIVEN as given and restart local server
  • create a new branch with forest branch duplicate --origin Staging
  • develop backend side of the feature
  • push the branch with forest push

Observed behavior

When trying to push with forest push, the following error occurs:

× Failed to push branch: Environment Development | sébastiencarceles2 has not been initialized, please send an apimap to proceed.

Expected behavior

Branch should be pushed.


  • Project name: Hubflo
  • Agent technology: rails
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: forest_liana 9.7.0
  • Database type: postgresql

Could you double check if your FOREST_ENV_SECRET matches to the right environment?

When you are starting your server, do you see an error because when it starts, it sends the apimap to forest ?

Which environment should I use ? Staging or the Development environment that has been created when I ran forest init?

There is no error when starting up.

Your Development environment :point_left:

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It works now, thank you

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