Forest admin schema update

Hi, i am using forest admin for my nodejs + mongodb project.

I added some property for existing tables but i cant see them in forest admin.

I tried to run forest schema:update command but it generates new file and most of the my models are not working.

Im getting this error on my models

The request to your server either failed or returned invalid data.

Please check your console logs to get more information.

Can’t i do this without forest schema:update ? or do you know the solution of it ?

My package versions
“forest-express-mongoose”: “7.9.4”
@forestadmin/agent”: “false1.0.0-beta.63”,
@forestadmin/datasource-mongoose”: “false1.0.0-beta.25”,

Your agent is using the beta version, you MUST use the production ready @forestadmin/agent version and @forestadmin/datasource-mongoose. You can remove the forest-express-mongoose of your dependencies. It is an old library and it is not necessary IF you are using the @forestadmin/agent. Please :pray:, can you confirm that you @forestadmin/agent to run your project ? Also, what is your project name ? It will help me for debug yourself.
The documentation of the agent-nodejs is here.

Sorry for our ambiguous documentation, but the schema:update is not compatible with the @forestadmin/agent (agent-nodejs).

I hope it will help you :pray:

im not using agent currently so I need a solution with forest-express-mongoose
so how can I update my database structure with it ?

Did you update your mongoose models after added your attributes in your database ? For example, if you add the field name in the user document you must add the name in your user model inside your project.

yes i can access some models in forest admin but i cant access some of them also if i create a new project, i can view all of them.

Currently, the agent that you use does not create automatically the mongoose models. You must write manually the new fields! The forest schema:update will create the new mongoose file if it detects a new model in your database.