No update on the forestadmin UI when update on forestadmin-schema.json

No update on the forestadmin UI after an update on the models

Expected behavior

After updating the forestadmin models with Lumber Update
And restarting the server
Forestadmin UI notifies me about the new changes

Actual behavior

After updating the forestadmin models with Lumber Update
And restarting the server
Forestadmin UI does not notify me about the new changes
Forestadmin UI does not show the new added fields of the models


GET / 200 10026 - 1.269 ms
GET / 200 10026 - 0.866 ms
GET / 200 10026 - 1.794 ms
Please provide any relevant information about your setup.

"body-parser" : “1.19.0” ,

"chalk" : “~1.1.3” ,

"cookie-parser" : “1.4.4” ,

"cors" : “2.8.5” ,

"debug" : “~4.0.1” ,

"dotenv" : “~6.1.0” ,

"express" : “~4.17.1” ,

"express-jwt" : “5.3.1” ,

"forest-express-mongoose" : “^8.0.3” ,

"mongoose" : “^5.13.5” ,

"morgan" : “1.9.1” ,

"require-all" : "^3.0.0"

1 Like

Hello @Ludovic_de_L

Welcome to the Forest Admin community.

After updating the models, upon restarting, the .forestadmin-schema.json file should be updated. Can you check if the expected changes are present within it?

Could you also tell me your project name, and the environment name on which you are seeing this issue, so I can look what information we have on our end?

Thank you

The project name is goodcause and production env. Yes the .forestadmin-schema.json file is updated with the correct changes.

Thanks a lot for your help.


Are you seeing this issue on your development environment, on the production, or on both?
I noticed you are using forest-express-mongoose 6 on development and 8 on production.

Also, could you give me an exemple of new model or new field, or any change, that you want to see (and find in the .forestadmin-schema.json file) that you do not see in the updated layout?

I succeed to have the new models appearing in production but I am having this issue now : Cannot reach your data. Your server may be down or your database connection broken.
Please check your server logs for more information. If the error persists, please let us know.


Does this happen on all models, or only on one?

Just for the sake of it, could you restart your Forest agent, and maybe logout and re-login into Forest Admin?

You can also start you Forest agent with DEBUG=* npm start to help with debugging and check request are received or not.

I found that my problem was related to the upgrade to V8. It is now fixed thanks a lot for your support and tips to fix this issue.