Feature(s) impacted
Forest admin stucks at Your project is being configured...
after forest branch main
Observed behavior
I have production and development. I installed Forest Admin after my TypeORM plugin so the plugin could synchronize database state and then FA could adapt. After deploying production I’ve encountered a monit that I need to create a FA branch (it annoyed me because I just want to edit my data independently with production but I moved on) so I did. After that I get this monit:
It’s stuck - no doubt about it.
Expected behavior
I want my production and development to work properly. Perfect behaviour would be no pushing changes and no pipelines.
- Project name: pla-manager
- Team name: none
- Environment name: development
- Agent (forest package) name & version: @forestadmin/agent@^1.8.13
- Database type: mysql
- Recent changes made on your end if any: like I said before