Development environment stuck on "Your project is being configured"

Feature(s) impacted

Can’t see the data from my local (development) database inside Forest Admin

Observed behavior

Get stuck on “Your project is being configured” when I try to load the Development environment.

Expected behavior

Seeing the data from my local server’s database inside Forest Admin

Failure Logs

Found nothing substantial inside my log files or the browser console. The only log I’m seeing is “Schema was not updated since last run”.


  • Project name: Editorial Stock Images
  • Team name: Operations
  • Environment name: Development
  • Agent technology: PHP (Laravel)
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin, 3.1.1
  • Database type: PostgreSQL
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: None, just trying to get everything set up for the first time. It’s not been a smooth process, so I may have messed something up unintentionally.

Hello @mngarwood,

It appears to me that you have tried to repurpose a Forest Admin Cloud project to work with a self hosted agent. Explaining why your project/agent is not behaving as expected.

The self hosted projects are not self serviceable, a member of our CS team will contact you shortly to help you out.

Best regards,