Smart Action disabled in table view but not in summary of the record

We have some Smart Actions of type single that are disabled when used in a table view ( for some roles) and enabled when in summary or details view of the record. this should behave the same across roles and views


  • Package Version: forest-express-sequelize 7.6.3
  • Express Version: 4.17.1
  • Sequelize Version: ~5.22.4
  • Database Dialect: pg
  • Database Version: 9.4
  • Forest-Environment-Id: 68385
  • Forest-Project-Id: 54928
  • Forest-Rendering-Id: 82745
  • Forest-Team-Id: 54359

Hello @JonasKman, :slight_smile:

If I understand correctly, some users on the project have a role mentioning that they can’t trigger smart actions and can’t access them from the view table. However it is possible to trigger them from the detail view?

Hello @anon16419211 , :slight_smile:
Exactly, the role has the smart action enabled, but it cannot be triggered in table view (with the item selected) but when the user clicks the item and navigates to detail view the smart action can be triggered. I switched my self to the role and could trigger it from table view and then switch back and it worked as expected.

Can you share a video of your issue please :pray: ?

Hey @vince,
here is the video. One thing I noticed is that the smart actions are enabled when browsing back from the details view. The subscriptions are a smart relationship.
smart action not enabled

Is your smart action restricted on specific segments ? If yes can you share the conditions you have in those segments ?

Yes they are restricted by segments: