I have an unexpected error when I run the command "forest schema: update"

Observed behavior

I have an unexpected error when I run the command “forest schema:update”.
Error is : " × An unexpected error occurred. Please reach out for help in our Developers community (https://community.forestadmin.com/) or create a Github issue with following error: failed to find plan for subquery ss "


Project name: .Sergic
Team name: gestion
Environment name: Développement
Agent (forest package) name & version: 9
Database type: Postgres
Recent changes made on your end if any: upgrade to v9

Do you have more logs about the error?
I did not find any errors on our side, it means the error is on your side. If you have additional informations to help us to debug your case it will be appreciate :pray:

I have just this error :
× Analyzing the database(s)
× An unexpected error occurred. Please reach out for help in our Developers community (https://community.forestadmin.com/) or create a Github issue with following error: failed to find plan for subquery ss

Are you still blocked?
Have you got a collection with the name “plan” ?