New agent nodejs, forest-schema is not updated


I just create a new folder using forest projects:bundle:sql "aFolderName" and the run it using docker on my local dev.

Feature(s) impacted

migrating from v9 to new agent

Observed behavior

Expected behavior

I changed the index.ts adding a field to collection appointment, but when I start/restart the server the forestadmin-schema.json is not being updated, I dont find the new field in there. I even tried to rename some fields but I always dont see the changes on the forest schema.

this is my index file:

import type { SslMode } from '@forestadmin/datasource-sql';
import type { Schema } from './typings';

import 'dotenv/config';
import { createAgent } from '@forestadmin/agent';
import { createSqlDataSource } from '@forestadmin/datasource-sql';
import { convertToSnakeCase } from './utils';

// This object allows to configure your Forest Admin panel
const agent = createAgent<Schema>({
  // Security tokens
  authSecret: process.env.FOREST_AUTH_SECRET!,
  envSecret: process.env.FOREST_ENV_SECRET!,

  // Make sure to set NODE_ENV to 'production' when you deploy your project
  isProduction: false,

  // Autocompletion of collection names and fields
  typingsPath: './typings.ts',
  typingsMaxDepth: 5,

// Connect your datasources
// All options are documented at
    uri: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
    schema: process.env.DATABASE_SCHEMA,
    sslMode: process.env.DATABASE_SSL_MODE as SslMode,
    rename(oldCollectionName) {
      return convertToSnakeCase(oldCollectionName);

agent.customizeCollection('appointments', collection => {
  collection.renameField('date_action', 'dateActionTest');
  collection.addField('displayEventEmail', {
    // Type of the new field
    columnType: 'String',

    // Dependencies which are needed to compute the new field (must not be empty)
    dependencies: ['email', 'date_action'],

    // Compute function for the new field
    // Note that the function computes the new values in batches: the return value
    // must be an array which contains the new values in the same order than the
    // provided records.
    getValues: (records, context) => => `${}: ${r.date_action}`),

// Add customizations here.
// For instance, you can code custom actions, charts, create new fields or relationships, load plugins.
// As your project grows, you will need to split it into multiple files!
// Here is some code to get your started
// agent.customizeCollection('products', collection => {
//   // Actions are documented here:
//   //
//   collection.addAction('Order new batch from supplier', {
//     scope: 'Single', // This action can be triggered product by product
//     form: [{ label: 'Quantity', type: 'Number', isRequired: true }],
//     execute: async (context, resultBuilder) => {
//       const product = await context.getRecord(['id', 'name'])
//       const quantity = context.formValues['Quantity'];

//       // ... Perform work here ...

//       return resultBuilder.success(`Your order for a batch of ${quantity} '${}' was sent`);
//     }
//   });

//   // Search customization is documented here:
//   //
//   collection.replaceSearch(searchString => {
//     // user has most likely typed a product id, let's search only that column
//     if (searchString.match(/^prdid[\d]{8}/$))
//       return { field: 'id', operator: 'Equal', value: searchString };

//     // Otherwise assume that user wants to search for a product by name
//     return { field: 'name', operator: 'Contains', value: searchString };
//   });
// });

// Expose an HTTP endpoint.

// Start the agent.
agent.start().catch(error => {
  console.error('\x1b[31merror:\x1b[0m Forest Admin agent failed to start\n');

Failure Logs


relared issue.

  • Project name: clevermate
  • Environment name: Development | adeldjidjik (my-dev)
  • Agent technology: (nodejs
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: new agent v1
  • Database type: postgres

This is due on how the docker file/compose are configured.
If you have a look the docker file is configured to run as a production images.
You should update the image creation accordingly to your usage.
If you don’t, you need to run docker compose up --build every time you make a change.