Our server encountered an error 24/04/2023

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention an issue that I encountered while using Forest Admin.

Upon logging into the Forest Admin dashboard, I received an error message stating: “Our server encountered an error. An unexpected error occurred. If the error persists, please let us know.”

I have tried troubleshooting by checking the application logs, verifying Forest Admin configuration settings, and ensuring that all third-party services are functioning correctly. However, the issue persists.

This error is hindering my ability to effectively use Forest Admin to manage and interact with our application’s data.

I kindly request your assistance in resolving this issue as soon as possible. Please let me know if there is any additional information or action required from my end to help diagnose and resolve the issue.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


  • Project name: saleor-ftft
  • Team name: …
  • Environment name: …
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: …
  • Database type: Postgresql
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: …

Hi @Mohamed_Ezzaalyouy, welcome to our community,

Would you be able to share the last time at which the error occured, as well as some details that you should have in the developer console when you encounter the error ( sometimes accessible with F12 key, or by going through the menu of your browser ),

Also : did you make any recent changes to your config / project that could cause it to stop working ?



Hi @Nicolas.M,

  • Since the beginning of the project, this problem has occurred to me.
  • I created 3 projects in different ways (django, postgresql …) but I’m facing the same problem.
  • I haven’t made any changes to config/project

thank you very much for your support.

Thanks @Mohamed_Ezzaalyouy,

I have looked into the issue but could not find an answer right away. While I investigate further, could you please check that you are running the latest version of your browser, and also test using another browser if possible ?



its work, thank you very much for your support.

Thanks for your feedback. Could you please precise what action made it to work in the end and mark this topic as resolved?

Thanks :pray:

Hi @Nicolas.M ,

I’m just using the latest version of the browser,

Tell me please if can me export data from several of the tables to one file csv with filter ??

Thanks :pray:

Thanks for those details @Mohamed_Ezzaalyouy.

Regarding your last question: it should be possible to achieve this kind of behaviour, but you will need to define a new ‘smart collection (link to the doc)’ from the tables that you have, and then be able to perform a csv export on this collection, with filter if applied.



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Hi @Nicolas.M

how can me access to all data tables of my project Django her please !?


I have other tables in my app.

thank you very much for your support.

Hello @Mohamed_Ezzaalyouy,

All of this should be detailed in the Forest Admin User Guide. You will need to ensure that visibility and access rights are correctly configured in the layout editor.

If you still encounter issues or have questions that are not answered in the user guide, then please open up a new ticket.


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