Rails config throwing "Unable to authenticate you" error

I’m trying to set up Forest for a Rails app. I followed all the steps but at when I try to load the Forest Panel, I get this error:

In my rails app, I get this:

Started POST “/forest/authentication” for ::1 at 2021-05-02 21:07:51 +0200

Processing by ForestLiana::AuthenticationController#start_authentication as /

Parameters: {“renderingId”=>“90080”}

Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 238ms (Views: 0.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 6653)

Any idea what’s wrong?


Hello @nico_lrx,

Do you have more info about the error? Do you have more server logs on it, or the response’s body received by your browser?

Hello Guillaume,
Here is what I have in the browser’s console:

The rails logs I previously shared is the only thing I have.


Hello @nico_lrx,

Sorry but we are not able to find the error. We need more informations to find the roots of your problem. Can you open the Network tab on your browser and share a screen of the authentification call (POST /forest/authentication) failing ?

Just a quick thought, have you run the rails dev:cache command during your installation ? Because it’s required when you don’t configure manually the forest_client_id variable in your config/secret.yml file.

Thanks in advance

Hello @morganperre,
Good news, I reinstalled Forest and it works now. I guess it was missing the application_url variable in secrets.yml.

Thanks for your help.

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Hey @nico_lrx,

You’re welcome. Really good news. :slight_smile:

Have a great day.