Refresh data after changing record id while triggering smart action

Feature(s) impacted

we have a View Table named Case, and its id is a composition of two other models, for example modelAID + “|” + modelBId, so it should look like “uuidA|uuidB”

but when modelB isn’t exist yet, CaseId is going to be like this → “uuidA|”
and only after we trigger a smart action against Case, the Id will be updated to “uuidA|uuidB”

Observed behavior

While we on the record view of Case model, the url of the page looks like something like this:|/details

The problem is when we trigger that id changing Smart Action, the record id changes so we need to update the url’s record id, which we do, to something like this:|988b5aa6-0ae8-4d75-8349-04f3ebf8e6a3/details

we redirect the response to this very url, and get an error message that the Case View #“uuidA|uuidB” cannot be found, as you can see from the attached screenshot

This is how we handle the redirect in our code:

Expected behavior

The detailed record view will refetch the record with its new id, and present it on the screen after triggering the id changing Smart Action

Failure Logs


  • Project name: Empathy
  • Team name: All team( foe example: Engineering)
  • Environment name: All (production, dev, etc )
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: forest-express-sequelize: 8.4.8
  • Database type: Postgresql
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: …

Hello @Avishai_Lippner :wave:,

Thank you for your feedback :pray: I will try to reproduce this on my side

Kind regards,


Hi @Avishai_Lippner :wave: I’m able to reproduce and a fix is currently in development.
You will be notified when it will be released.
Thank you for your feedback :pray:.


A fix has been released now, can you refresh your browser and try it again?
Let me know :pray:

It looks like your fix did the trick!
Thank you so much @Arnaud_Moncel

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