I can reproduce this locally and in production at the moment that no related data is showing, though I can verify all the data actually exists in the database.
Expected behavior
Should show related data.
Failure Logs
No errors or logs, so leads me to think its not on our end. Can someone from Forest verify?
It is working alright on my end …
I am sure the data exist given what the UI is displaying.
If there are any failure logs for this issue, I believe they should be directly in your browser’s console.
No recent changes to smart collections or the like, but I can roll back several versions for a test.
There are no errors in the console. This seems to be something specifically only impacting relationships; regardless if they’re table or smart view layouts.
One for the total records count (the one you’ve pointed here)
One for the records details of the current page
Here it would be very interesting to see this second call (payload sent and result received) to identify if the issue is coming from your agent or from the frontend.
This call should be a GET to an URL like your-agent-url.com/forest/your-collection/id-12345/relationships/suggested-talents.
Can you identify it and show us its details?
I might have an idea where the problem comes from. Could you please share the GET of the parent record, So here the GET of Wonder Works. It should be something like /forest/oragnizations/id-of-wonder-works. I need the payload, the attributes part can be omitted so you can share it here
Yes you are missing the relationships links for pretty much all your relationships except Permissions.Did you change the serializer ?? Or override the routes ?
I went back several merges and confirmed the same case. I know relationships worked fine then as some of those merges were directly related to Forest actions we were working on in dev and committed to production where they worked. Something is definitely off with our particular project, regardless of the environment.
I see that you’ve made an upgrade from forest-express-sequelize@7.12.3 to forest-express-sequelize@7.12.4. This update upgrade forest-express@8.7.4 to forest-express@8.7.6. Which might introduce a regression in your case (cf: Comparing v8.7.4...v8.7.6 · ForestAdmin/forest-express · GitHub)
Could you please try to downgrade to 7.12.3 and tell me if that fixes your issue ?