Reorder smart actions

Hey Team,

Do we have any way to reorder smart actions on the single collection view?

If we are doing it from the code in /forest/any-collection.js as:

const { collection } = require('forest-express-sequelize');

collection('any_collection', {
    actions: [{
    	name: 'Test1',
    	type: 'single'
    }, {
    	name: 'Test2',
    	type: 'single',
    fields: [],
    segments: [],

It could happen that the Test2 appear before Test1 in the SmartActions list.
And even on .forestadmin-schema.json is ordered properly.

Do we miss something or this option does not exist?

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Hi @Bojan_Antonijevic :wave:t3:

This is something you can do directly from the UI. No code is needed, here’s a quick screen recording -

Hope this helps!

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Yea, that’s it. Thank you @anon20071947

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