Roles error on platform migration ( express/sequelize => nest.js )

Feature(s) impacted

Hi all.

We already have a platform in production, using express/sequelize, and Im migrating it to nest.js, because all the other company platforms use that framework.

I followed the tutorial to configure everything, and, of course, Im using the same keys that the old project to reuse the UI, and just change the backend

Observed behavior

When UI is executing the first get after authentication API methods

  • POST /authentication ( OK )
  • GET /authentication/callback ( OK )
  • GET /company

Im getting this error message:

Error: Roles V2 are unsupported
     at Function.getPermissions (/usr/src/app/node_modules/@forestadmin/agent/src/agent/utils/forest-http-api.ts:142:15)
     at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)

Expected behavior

My backend should be able to get my company information

  • GET /company
    with no errors


  • Project name: Dunsguide
  • Agent type & version: @forestadmin/agent: ^1.0.0-beta.43, @forestadmin/datasource-sql: 1.0.0-beta.40

Hello @Maximiliano_Carrizo,

I think this subject is totally linked to this one.
So I’m closing this thread.

Thanks again for reaching out :slight_smile: