Validation failed error while 'Migrate to the new role system'

Feature(s) impacted

Not able to run FA when updated ‘forest-express-sequelize’ npm package to 9.3.5

Observed behavior

Got error →
[forest] :deciduous_tree::deciduous_tree::deciduous_tree: Unexpected error: Your project is using an older version of Forest Admin roles.
In order to migrate, please refer to the following documentation:

Expected behavior

It should run successfully it was running like earlier when we were using version 8.5.14 of forest-express-sequelize.

Failure Logs


  • Project name: Curator
  • Team name: Developer
  • Environment name: ALL (Staging, Development, Production)
  • Agent type & version:
  • Package Version: 9.3.5 (forest-express-sequelize)
  • Express Version: 4.17.1
  • Sequelize Version: 6.6.5
  • Database Dialect: MySql
  • Database Version: 5.7.24

FYI, I assigned roles and when run migrate to new role, it gave Validation errror.
Also a point to note that one of the user is having name as “Alex.salido”, does having dot in name is giving error or something else is the issue.

Hello @Vinod_Gupta,
Thanks for reaching out to us,

Could you please fill in the section Failure Logs from the template. We cannot really help pinpoint the cause of your issue without that.

You should be able to see more details from the developer console of your browser.

When you have managed to reproduce the issue with more details in the logs, please report back in this thread (either by copy-pasting the full failure logs, or by providing screen captures)

Thanks for your input



Failure logs

“errors”: [
“status”: 400,
“detail”: “Validation failed”,
“meta”: {
“message”: “child "data" fails because [child "attributes" fails because [child "invitation_secret" fails because ["invitation_secret" must be a string]], child "attributes" fails because [child "first_name" fails because ["first_name" must be a string]], child "attributes" fails because [child "permission_level" fails because ["permission_level" must be one of [null]]]]”,
“source”: “body”
“name”: “BadRequestError”

Thank you for those details.

Could you please also share the Response of the network request that resulted in error ?
You should be able to find that in the Network tab of the browser console

You can find below a screenshot of a similar error

The data that I need will be in the Response tab, which opens when you click on the Name of the request in error (in red). yours will be named something like users or users/15224 or 15224

:warning: It will contain some user data, so please make sure that you obfuscate any text that is sensitive: (user names, emails and such), before posting the answer in this public forum. You can also send the details in private message.


Sorry, I was mistaken. I don’t need what is in the Response tab (which you already kindly provided), but what is in the Payload tab.

Sorry for my confusion :pray:


Thanks for providing the details in MP.

There was some data corruption which prevented the migration process from completing. This has been fixed on our side.
Please retry the process and let me know if you encounter further issues.

