Shared collaboration between collection

Hello everyone
I have two collections (quotes, orders) on a same table and when I change the status of a quote from ongoing to confirmed, it goes to orders. Is there a way to share or keep notes between collections ?

Expected behavior

I want to keep notes in collaboration set on the quote when it become an order.

Actual behavior

It doesn’t keep notes in collaboration.


  • Package Version: 7.0.0
  • Express Version: 4.17.1
  • Sequelize Version: 5.15.1

Hello @MarcoGarcia,

Thanks for reaching out.

To be sure I understood your case: you have one table on your database, but this table is split in two collections on Forest Admin (depending on its status)?

To answer your question, unfortunately a note is restricted to a record on a specific collection, so what you want is not possible for now.

To be sure I understood your case: you have one table on your database, but this table is split in two collections on Forest Admin (depending on its status)?

Yes that’s it.

Is there a way to do it maybe in hooks like in afterSave ?

@MarcoGarcia unfortunately I don’t see any way to achieve what you want for now :thinking:

Let me add a feature into our Product requests list so that it could be tackle in the future.


Ok thanks for the help !

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Hello, is there an update on this topic pls ?

Hello @MarcoGarcia,

Sorry, nothing’s new on this topic for now.
I reached out the responsible team to forward your need again.