I want to create a custom “view” on a specific collection by adding sections with the Visual builder but the thing is I can’t get all the data I want from other collections even when they are connected So I was wondering if it’s a better solution with smart views?
(sorry it’s in french)
This is the refund request collection (it’s for insurance) so I need a section of the beneficiary (a some other sections) info who requested for the refund, I have the beneficiary id but I can’t get it in the related data section (and I’m not really feeling confident to change its relation, maybe I have to do it even with a smart view?)
Could you tell me what is the relation between the refund request collection and the beneficiary collection?
What would be great is to have the sql definition and the ORM generated part.
Are you on node.js or rails?
Could you give me more details please.
The this.models.refundRequest association too.
Did you create yourself the association or there were auto generated by the lumber-cli?
Could you also give me a psql dump declaration of the tables in order for me to try reproducing your issue and bring you a solution.
What information can I give you about the association?
The association was created by ourself, before we did our ForestAdmin integration.
Here’s the compressed file with all the models declaration that have a association with the refundRequest collection.models.gz (1.9 KB)