The agent version on which your project is running (v7.0.1) will soon reach its end-of-life and needs to be upgraded

I have started to see this error message on our production environment: “The agent version on which your project is running (v7.0.1) will soon reach its end-of-life and needs to be upgraded.”

Is it necessary to update the agent, we do not have any new development planned on this project. I hope it is not going to affect our already deployed features.

  • Project name: NachamuAdmin
  • Team name: Operations
  • Environment name: Development

Hey @aayush-sinha :wave:

You can get more informations about this deprecation policy here. v7 was released in 2021, and will reach end of life at the end of 2023.

You can find more informations on how to migrate to v8 here.
Depending on the amount of custom code you are using in your agent, the process may be an easy one.

This migration will need to be done before the end of life is reached to ensure your admin panel still works after this date.

Let me know if that helps.


I have update admin agent version to v9. I can still see the warning:
The agent version on which your project is running (v8.6.5) will soon reach its end-of-life and needs to be upgraded.

Project Name: ReachTenants
Environment: remote

I ran this command to update: npm install “forest-express-sequelize@^9.0.0”
I can see this is updated on package.json file
But on forestadmin-schema.json I can see “liana_version”: “8.6.5”
How can I update this?