Unable to deploy forest branch

Hi @anon34731316 ,

I am getting the below issue while deploying the branch.

? Select the environment containing the layout changes you want to deploy to the reference environment Development
? Deploy Development layout changes to reference? Yes
 ›   Error: source and destination environments must have the same schema

I checked the schema and compare the collection all are matched. is there any other way to debug this issue?


Hello @sourabht,

Thanks for your message.

Could you precise on what project you’re trying this action?
Are you absolutely sure both schemas are identical between your reference environment (aka Production if exists) and your Development environment? Do you push systematically the modifications made on your development backend to your production backend?


HI @anon34731316 ,

Yes, I have compared the models and collections list all are the same. our project name is werc-forest-admin. currently, we don’t have a production. we have created a remote environment.


@sourabht thanks for your prompt reply.

It seems that you have a difference in your users model, for the location field.
It’s defined as a String on the development environment, and as an array of String on the remote environment.

To forget that you need to push the forestadmin-schema.json file (along with the other files) in your remote backend when you make some changes on your development backend.

Let me know if that helps!

Hi @anon34731316 ,

Thank you that issue is resolved. now getting the below issue.

? Select the environment containing the layout changes you want to deploy to the reference environment Development
? Deploy Development layout changes to reference? Yes
 ›   Error: record id: 94277, rendering.dashboards.0.charts.5.s3Versions is required

Do you have any idea.


Hi @anon34731316 ,

Here we are facing the below message while deploy the app.

$ forest deploy
? Select the environment containing the layout changes you want to deploy to the reference environment Development
? Deploy Development layout changes to reference? Yes
 ›   Error: record id: 94277, rendering.dashboards.0.charts.5.s3Versions is required
$ forest push -e Staging
? Push branch bug-fix-v5 onto Staging Yes
 ›   Error: Failed to push branch: cannot "push" to reference environment, please use "deploy"

Thank you.


That’s very strange!

Did you set up any smart chart on your dashboard at some point?

Yes @anon34731316 , i was tried to create a smart chart but due to an error not being saved. below are the thread where i mentioned that issue.


Ok that’s very interesting, thanks for sharing this issue with us.

As mentioned here, I have opened a bug report and we’ll fix this problem.

However, let’s try to unlock you before this resolution!
Can you try to remove the chart that went buggy at some point (I think the one you changed its type), it’s normally the one called “users” (all in lowercase letters)? And then create it back directly with the right type?
And then try to deploy your changes again?

Thanks a lot :raised_hands:

Hello @sourabht,

Is this situation fixed yet?
The bug mentioned earlier was solved.
