Unable to invite more users in free plan

Feature(s) impacted

In a recent email, it says that free plans now allow unlimited users to be invited, rather than just 1 user.

Observed behavior

The invite button to my project is disabled. I believe this is because we are on the legacy free plan.

Expected behavior

I should expect the invite button to be available since we are on the free plan and users are unlimited.


  • Project name: Rhabit
  • Team name: Operations
  • Environment name: Production
  • Agent type & version: …
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: …


I’ve switched your project to the new free plan!

You should now be able to invite more users.

Let me know if you have any questions!



Hi @anon60307974

Thank you for your quick response! I do have another concern: We can’t access our staging environment anymore. It gives me a warning staging that we have reached the 1 environment limit, but on the plan it states that we should be able have dev, staging and production set. Am I missing something?



Indeed, only 1 remote environment is allowed on the new free plan!

A remote environment is any environment pointing to a remote server that is not production (in your case, Staging and Demo).

Dev environments will be any local environment pointing to localhost.

Let me know if you have any questions!



Hello I’ve got the same issue, I cannot invite more members into an existing free plan project.

Hi @Simon_Ganon,

Welcome to the community!

I’ve also switched your project to the new free plan.
You should now be able to invite more users :ok_hand:



Thanks, all good on our hand :slight_smile: