Unexpected error in details view: TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'lid')

Feature(s) impacted

Item’s details view

Observed behavior

An error occurs saying :
"Cannot reach your data
Your server may be down or your database connection broken.
Please check your server logs for more information."
I’ve checked networks requests and they are matching what Forest awaits from. I’ve noticed there a console error saying: “Unexpected error in details view: TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting ‘lid’)”

Expected behavior

I should be able to access my item’s details page.


Please provide in this mandatory section, the relevant information about your configuration:

  • Project name: Dailyn Back Office
  • Team name: Dailyn
  • Environment name: Development

Hi @KamilH,

I need a full stacktrace of your error please to be able to debug :pray:

Hello @vince

Here’s the full stacktrace:

[forest] 🌳🌳🌳 Unexpected error in details view:  TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'lid')
    at vendor-25c062144d2db8f56ffda7fca6e0e8b7.js:139:356735
    at v (vendor-25c062144d2db8f56ffda7fca6e0e8b7.js:58:475141)
    at b (vendor-25c062144d2db8f56ffda7fca6e0e8b7.js:58:475033)
    at invoke (vendor-25c062144d2db8f56ffda7fca6e0e8b7.js:58:418835)
    at h.flush (vendor-25c062144d2db8f56ffda7fca6e0e8b7.js:58:417895)
    at p.flush (vendor-25c062144d2db8f56ffda7fca6e0e8b7.js:58:419675)
    at B._end (vendor-25c062144d2db8f56ffda7fca6e0e8b7.js:58:424760)
    at B._boundAutorunEnd (vendor-25c062144d2db8f56ffda7fca6e0e8b7.js:58:421182)

Can you open the stacktrace too please, this is the short version I think no ?

Hello @vince , no that’s the full error displayed in the console of my browser.

If I click on a file name, it would show me its minimified chunck and so, it wouldn’t be readable.

:warning: In case I haven’t been clear, I just want to clarify that’s it’s not a server-side error but a front-end error. And that’s why I’ve told you it’s the error in my browser because I expect it to come from Forest because I haven’t made any changes during the last days and it used to work last week and no errors appear in my back-end.

Hello @vince, it’s already been one week since my back-end has been unavailable.
Did you find the reason why I’m encountering this error ?

Oh sorry I did not saw the notification my bad :pray:

What I meant is could click on the little arrow on the left of the error to have more info

Oh sorry, here’s the full stacktrace:

[forest] 🌳🌳🌳 Unexpected error in details view:  TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'lid')
    at vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:139:356735
    at b (vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58:475141)
    at v (vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58:475033)
    at invoke (vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58:418835)
    at d.flush (vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58:417895)
    at p.flush (vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58:419675)
    at B._end (vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58:424760)
    at B._boundAutorunEnd (vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58:421182)
(anonymous) @ chunk.68.a053053744394054b79f.js:1
(anonymous) @ client-30ab6824ae5d94fb5629022c64768f96.js:1
Promise.catch (async)
(anonymous) @ client-30ab6824ae5d94fb5629022c64768f96.js:1
b @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
v @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
invoke @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
flush @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
flush @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
_end @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
B._boundAutorunEnd @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
Promise.then (async)
r @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
flush @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
_scheduleAutorun @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
_ensureInstance @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
schedule @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
(anonymous) @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
y @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
resolve @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
_ @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
getTransitionByIntent @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
transitionByIntent @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
doTransition @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
transitionTo @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
_doTransition @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
transitionTo @ vendor-ba6d5c5904c15046f5f2be0771c35dc5.js:58
handleRowClick @ client-30ab6824ae5d94fb5629022c64768f96.js:1
onClick @ client-30ab6824ae5d94fb5629022c64768f96.js:1
i @ chunk.68.a053053744394054b79f.js:1

1 Like

Okey thanks and could you click on the first line (the upper one) (anonymous) client-30ab... ? This would really help me :pray:

Plus does it happens on all your environments / teams or just on staging ?
Did you try accessing another collection ?

"use strict";define("client/abilities/abstract-ability",["exports","@ember/object","@ember/object/computed","@ember/service","ember-can"],(function(e,t,i,r,n){var o,a,l,s,c,u,d,p,m,b,f,g,h,y,v,w,_,O,j,z,P,C,k;function S(e,t,i,r){i&&Object.defineProperty(e,t,
a._autoCompleteWorkspaceComponentsVariables(e,i[1]||r)}return this._autoCompleteWorkspaceComponents(i[0]||r)}getVariableValue(e){if(e.startsWith("currentUser."))return super.getVariableValue(e);const i=e.split(".");let r=this._getWorkspaceComponent(i.shift())[i.shift()];return i.forEach((e=>{r=r&&(0,t.get)(r,e.namespace("-"))})),r}}e.default=a})),define("client/config/environment",[],(function(){try{var e="client/config/environment",t=document.querySelector('meta[name="'+e+'"]').getAttribute("content"),i={default:JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(t))};return Object.defineProperty(i,"__esModule",{value:!0}),i}catch(t){throw new Error('Could not read config from meta tag with name "'+e+'".')}})),runningTests||require("client/app").default.create({apiServerHost:"https://api.forestadmin.com",apiVersion:"2.8.1",colorDefault:"#54BD7E",defaultDomain:"app.forestadmin.com",formatEmail:"^.+@.+$",formatPassword:"^(?=\\S*?[A-Z])(?=\\S*?[a-z])((?=\\S*?[0-9]))\\S{8,}$",intervalBetweenListAndCount:150,liveDemoRenderingUrls:"/Live Demo/Production/Operations,/demo-finance/Production/KYC team,/demo-transactions-monitoring/Production/Finance team,/demo-mobility/Production/Operations,/demo-incident-management/Production/Customer service",maxRecordsPerPage:500,namespace:"forest",urlContactSales:"https://forestadmin.com/contact-sales",urlDocumentation:"https://docs.forestadmin.com/documentation/",supportedStacks:["Rails","Django","Express/Sequelize","Express/Mongoose","Laravel"],toastrDefaultDuration:5e3,useSSL:!0,models:{nonIdentifierIdFieldAlias:"____id____"},"google-oauth2":{redirectUri:"https://app.forestadmin.com/google-auth-redirect",clientId:"156875913710-aop1r539unsindps683h2ip0t95vdtov.apps.googleusercontent.com",accessType:"offline",scope:"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile"},bookSetupCallUrl:"https://meetings-eu1.hubspot.com/forest-admin/demo",name:"client",version:"2.390.8",validatorDefaultLocale:"en"});

It opens me the minified file, can’t display all lines :confused:

It does happen on all environments and teams. And I can’t access another collection because we only have one.

Hello @vince, have you found the reason why this bug is appearing ?
In case you would need more information, would you be available for a short meeting in order to retrieve these information faster ?

Hey @KamilH,

Could you please share the response you have when getting your list of events ?

Hello @vince, thank you for your response.
It seems like SteveB is handling our case. He’s got some data. Could you take contact with him ?

Hello @KamilH :wave:

I have a quick question for you, I’m not sure I copy-pasted your record sample correctly.

Can you please reach the network tab from google developper console, while being on the page where the error occurs please ?

The idea: We want to check the response from your server. On my copy-paste, an id attribute is missing. I correctly have an id on the attributes section, but we should also see an id attribute on the same level than attributes: .. and type: 'Events'.

Waiting for you answer :slight_smile:


1 Like

I confirm the ID is present but it seems like my code paste was misleading.
I’ve just sent you an event in private which it properly formated.

Is there any request on /forest/events/:id when you try to access a record details ? If yes, could you please share the response please :pray: ?

Yes, there’s a request made to my own back-end. And its response is the one I sent in private to @Steve_Bunlon
I just noticed that it seems like an error is sent to Sentry.
Have you access to it ?
The last error that has been sent to Sentry contained the following payload:


The data @Steve_Bunlon is showing me is not complete. Could you please send the entire response ?
Could you also share the code of your Smart Collection (Routes included) ?

@KamilH would you mind sharing the code related to the smart collection please? Especially the one that retrieves a single Event.

Thanks !


Hello @vince @Steve_Bunlon
I’ve sent everything in PM to @Steve_Bunlon :slight_smile: