Updating smart actions doesn't change anything

Expected behavior

I am updating a smart action, restarting the app and reloading the browser should display those modifications.

Actual behavior

When I comment a smart action, restart app and reload browser, I see that the smart action is not displayed anymore. If I uncomment the same smart action, restart app and reload browser, the smart action is still not displayed.

Failure Logs

No logs


No context in particular, it used to work perfectly.

  • Express Version: 4.17.1
  • Liana Version: 6.7.11
  • Project Name: Platform

Hello @Timothee_Grosjean,

Welcome to our community!

In order to make the smart action visible, you need to enable it in the layout. Please check this documentation for the full procedure.

I hope it helps :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot @anon90145840, I totally missed the point that I needed to re-enable it from the UI-configuration.