Upgrading to v7: change configDir property


I am upgrading to V7. I see in the logs this message:

Indeed, my forest folder is in /srv/app/joinly-forest/forest. How can I update this configDir property ?


Hi @Guiguijo,

Thanks for your message.

Did you try to change it in your Liana.init function as stipulated in this documentation?


Hi Adri,

now I did. Thank you.


the thing is that it says here in your doc that we should remove the configDir property: Upgrade to v7 - Documentation

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Hi @Guiguijo :wave: thank you for your feedback.
There is a mistake in the documentation, we gonna change it.
Thank you again for the report.
Can you confirm your problem is fixed now?

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Hi @Arnaud_Moncel ,

yes it is.

Thank you