Server error around Role ACLs

Feature(s) impacted

Viewing any data within Forest

Observed behavior

We get a 424 error from Forest Admin’s servers around Role ACLs. Specifically, we see a:

{"errors":[{"status":424,"detail":"Roles ACL needs to be enabled on your project","meta":{},"name":"RolesACLRequiredError"}]}

Expected behavior

Forest Admin works as normal.

Failure Logs

[forest] 🌳🌳🌳  Unexpected error: An unexpected error occurred while contacting the ForestAdmin server. Please contact for further investigations.
  "stack": "Error: An unexpected error occurred while contacting the ForestAdmin server. Please contact for further investigations.\n    at Function.handleResponseError (/Users/slopes/forerunner/crs-dashboard/node_modules/@forestadmin/forestadmin-client/src/utils/server.ts:60:6)\n    at Function.query (/Users/slopes/forerunner/crs-dashboard/node_modules/@forestadmin/forestadmin-client/src/utils/server.ts:26:12)\n    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)"


  • Project name: Forerunner
  • Team name: Operations
  • Environment name: all environments
  • Agent type & version: forest-express-sequelize: ^9.0.5
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: none that we’re aware of

Ha! Looks like I didn’t pay enough attention to what was happening in ForestAdmin land and I just realized I need to be migrated per this document. Can someone migrate me please? Thank you!

Hi @schalkwijk,

You are already on Ready to migrate. So you need to access your project settings and click on the role tabs. You should have a banner to start the migration at the top as indicated in the breaking changes release note. :wink: