[Bug] Bad display of flatten fields in UI


There is a problem with the UI to display flatten fields.
The arrows are missing.


import { collection } from 'forest-express-mongoose'

collection('organizations', {
  fieldsToFlatten: ['swan'],


Hi @Gautier

You can rename fields on the configuration page of the collection on the “Fields” section

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Merci @anon39940173.
It would be great if, by default, the name of the fields will be kebabCase so it will be readable.

Hey @anon39940173
I have a lot of fields to rename. Is their a programmatic way to do it ?

Hello @Gautier !

As of today, there is no programmatic way to edit the GUI.

I’ll open a bug report for choosing a better default name on our end, you are right that the default ones are not great.

Because a workaround is available, according to our bug classification system, it will be of a lower priority than other bugs we have to tackle, so I can’t promise you a release date for the fix in advance.

Hopefully it won’t be too long.


Just got a notification to tell me that the bug report has been handled sooner than expected!
New fields which are created using the flatten fields feature will now have better default names.

Have a nice day

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Thanks a lot @anon39940173 !