Can we disable the add edit feature of any collection

Hi Team,

can we disable the add/edit button or hide it from the listing and detail page.


Hello @sourabht,

If you want to disallow the creation and edition for everyone, the simplest is to change the layout preferences of your collection:

  1. Click on the :paintbrush: paintbrush icon on the top right of your screen to activate the Layout editor
  2. In the sidebar, locate the collection you want to edit, and click on the corresponding :gear: gear icon
  3. In the General tab, uncheck the following options:
    • Allow record creation
    • Allow record update

This will hide the corresponding buttons in the list and in the detail views.

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Thank you @GuillaumeGautreau for your fast response. but in my collection that general tab these options are not available.

Ok, thanks for your answer.

If these checkboxes are not present, it means that your project have the feature “roles” activated, and you can activate or deactivate these features in the roles section of the project settings:

  1. Go to your project settings (Click on your name on the top-right, then project settings)
  2. Click on the Roles tab
  3. Select the role you want to edit
  4. Scroll down to the list of collections,
  5. Click on “edit permissions”
  6. Uncheck the actions Update and Create in the appropriate collection
  7. Save

Hi @GuillaumeGautreau ,

I tried the same but it is not working still showing the add button.


Hi @sourabht,

It should work though!

Did you select the right environment on the left side of your Roles tab?
Indeed, the permissions vary from one environment to another.

If despite this clarification you still don’t manage to forbid the add / edit buttons, can you please share:

  • your project name
  • the environment and the collection you’re on when checking if the buttons are displayed


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Thank you @GuillaumeGautreau & @anon34731316 .

It is working on a remote environment.

is that work in development environment as in my local.


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