Cannot access my development environment

Feature(s) impacted

Forest development environment

Observed behavior

I cannot access my development environment. I always have the same message “You are not authorized to access this project”.
I lost access to my previous computer so I had to run forest init on a new one. Because it didn’t work I deleted my previous development env and recreate a new one but without success.

When opening the console, the error returned by the authentication endpoint is the following:

  "error_description":"The provided client id does not match the id received at first place."

Expected behavior

Please describe in this mandatory section the behavior you are expecting.

I should be able to access my development environment.


  • Project name: Pinpo Admin
  • Team name: Operations
  • Environment name: Development
  • Agent type & version: "forest-express-mongoose": "^9.0.3"
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: None.

Hello @fbeiger,

Thanks for your feedback.

Do you have 2 different instances of your server, or is it restarting frequently?

Can you please send me by direct message the content of your .env file please?

Hello @fbeiger,

Just for a follow up, I received the data you shared with me and it indicates that the FOREST_ENV_SECRET is correct and matches the development environment on our side.

Can you please share with me the content of the query parameter client_id in the call made by the frontend to I’d like to check that this id is correct.


I haven’t touched anything but it seems that I have access to this environment now.

Thanks for your quick answers.