Cannot Reach Data and Not Automatically Updating Table Columns


About once per day when we login to FA it says it cannot reach the data and or backend is not reachable. We have to manually restart each and every time then it begins to work.

Also; when we add columns to our DB they are not automatically updating to our FA instance.

Expected behavior

The connection should persist and not have to manually update each day to let users log in.

Actual behavior

Hello @spaccountadmin :wave:, and welcome!,

About once per day when we login to FA it says it cannot reach the data and or backend is not reachable. We have to manually restart each and every time then it begins to work.

I agree, this shouldn’t happen. Do you have any error logs related to that (From your admin backend, and from the dev tools console, dev tools network tabs, …) ?

Also; when we add columns to our DB they are not automatically updating to our FA instance.

Adding new columns in the database requires you to add thoses in the /models/*.js folder of your lumber project, then restart your server. On server restart, you .forestadmin-schema.json should be updated with the newly added fields.

Hope that helps :smiley:

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Thank you for your help.

Do you know where forestadmin sets up logging data? In terms of the network tab, do you mean look at the exact response the server is returning with in Google Chrome/Firefox/etc when the ForestAdmin front end is down?

We have forest admin deployed on an Ubuntu server. Do you know where we might look for log data or how we can configure our forestadmin application to write errors to a specific log file? I have not worked expensively with Nodejs applications.

Hi @spaccountadmin,

Do you know where forestadmin sets up logging data?

Not sure to understand what you meant by that ? :thinking:

In terms of the network tab, do you mean look at the exact response the server is returning with in Google Chrome/Firefox/etc when the ForestAdmin front end is down?

What could be interesting is knowing what your server returns when you got the Unreachable server. You could also check if there is any error in your console.

Depends totally on which type of provider you use. If it’s a full server with no nginx, the output is directly the stdout, so you could do something like

npm start > /etc/logs/my-forest.log