Hi team,
it seems that I have one new issue with the development workflow of my Forest admin interface.
Unfortunately, I have not tested it for some months, so I am not able to say when it started to fail.
What I am trying to run is:
Development => Staging => Production
Project: MyPocket
Team: Settings
Here are the different steps that I made:
- I defined a new forest branch in my Forest development environment using
forest branch card_stock
=> from Production: Yes
- in my DB, I added a column
table - I added the new column in the models definition in Forestadmin sources
- I relaunched Forest in local development environment
All is running fine.
The User interface changes:
In Local environment, I moved the new column so it appears:
- at first column in the list
- at the top in the detailed view
To test in Staging:
- I pushed my Forest backed to my repository
- I pulled from my repository in Staging
- I relaunched my Staging forest server
=> new column appears till at the end of the other columns
Then, in local development environment, I ran:
forest set-origin Staging
√ Origin "Staging" successfully set.
forest push
? Push branch card_stock onto Staging (Y/n)
? Push branch card_stock onto Staging Yes
√ Branch card_stock successfully pushed onto Staging.
Problem: the UI changes do not appear in Staging, even after waiting and refreshing the UI
Because the changes are small, I decided to make the UI changes once again
and to go forward:
- I merged my changes in production
- I pulled from my repository in Production
- I relaunched my Production forest server
=> new column appears till at the end of the other columns
Then, in local development environment, I ran:
FOREST_ENV_SECRET=<....secret_of_staging_env...> forest deploy
? Deploy layout changes to reference? (Y/n)
? Deploy layout changes to reference? Yes
√ Deployed layout changes to reference environment.
Problem again: the UI changes do not appear in Production, even after waiting and refreshing the UI
At the moment, I did not make any new change in production.
So the Production is not reflecting my changes.
Could you please let me understand what I am doing wrong?
My current setup:
"liana": "forest-express-sequelize",
"liana_version": "8.5.14",
"stack": {
"database_type": "multiple",
"engine": "nodejs",
"engine_version": "14.20.0",
"orm_version": "5.22.5"