Ember js template not working in Smart Chart

Feature(s) impacted

smart chart

Observed behavior

when using the ember js template. the chart does not appear whatsoever.

Expected behavior

The smart chart should work with ember js properly and show the chart. I am assuming that forestAdmin in handling the ember js config under the hood.

Failure Logs

this is the ‘component tab’ I have mocked the users list to make sure the point of failure is the template.

So, do you see any problem in my usage. or is there any additional config I have to do for Ember in my agent

this is what I am getting from the console


Hello @Lemi_Dinku

This is an error on our side, we renamed the BetaTable component internally and didn’t expose it back.

The fix is being reviewed, I will let you know when it is released so you can use it.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Thank you @nbouliol for your quick response

The fix has been released, it should be working now