Smart Chart component render the html code

Hi Team,

While clicking on the smart chart edit I am getting the bellow code. Is this the correct place to customize the chart?


Hi @sourabht,

Do you have an error in your web console :thinking: ? If yes can you share it please ?

Hi @vince ,

Yes error is console below.


No error before this one ?
Do you see a request error ? On aws

Sorry, I do not understand. are you asking about the below error?


Go on the Network tab. Do you see any red line. If yes please share the response of those requests :pray:

Hi @vince there is no error.

Hello @sourabht,

I think I found how to reproduce your issue.
It happens after having created a simple chart (like a single value chart) and then convert it to a smart chart.
I opened a bug report so that this issue won’t happen again.

Thanks for bringing this up! :pray:

Hello @sourabht,

The bug is now fixed.
This kind of situation should not happen anymore.

Can you confirm it is working fine now on your side?
