Environment partially deleted?

Our team deleted a production environment through the dashboard, but I think it was only partially removed?
After confirming the deletion we receive a 422 status code. The project still shows up in the dropdown select, and its environment details are still listed. However when we try to access it through the dashboard, it says that it does not exist.

Similarly through the cli tool, we can view the details of the environment, but when we try to delete it it errors out.

Is there any way to completely remove the environment from the dropdown and so that it is not listed from the cli?

Expected behavior

The environment should be completely removed after deleting through the dashboard UI.

Actual behavior

The environment is still shows up in the environment lists, and the details are still accessible. But any time we try to remove the environment, we receive a 422 status code.

Failure Logs

{"errors":[{"status":422,"detail":"Production environment cannot be removed","meta":{}}]}


  • CLI Version: 1.7.1
  • Environment ID: 57268

Hi @thgaskell and welcome in our community :confetti_ball: ,

As the error message is saying you cannot remove a production environment :wink:
So there is no partially removed, this is the first check we do on our side before removing anything ^^

Hi @vince, thanks for the response!

We were not aware that production environments could not be removed when we set it up :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Would it be possible to change to change it to a development environment or remove it entirely?

Thanks again!

Hello @thgaskell,

I updated the mentioned environment type (ID: 57268), so you should be able to delete it on your side now.

Thank you @anon79585656!

We were able to remove the environment without any issues.

I noticed that the environment was listed as a remote environment through the CLI. Is there any more documentation on this environment type? Previously all of the environment types were either production or development.

Thanks again!

Hi @thgaskell :wave:

I noticed that the environment was listed as a remote environment through the CLI. Is there any more documentation on this environment type?

There is a lack of documentation about the CLI, that should definitively be addressed. All environments are either development (e.g localhost) or remote (e.g not localhost). The production is one kind remote, that is flagged as production.

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