Forest agent stucked in a previous version

Feature(s) impacted

forest agent

Observed behavior

having the red banner of update required


we did the migration to v8 from v7 a few months ago and was perfectly done, but in this week we rollback the project to a previous release for another issue.
the problem is when we use the recent release of the project, forest agent version stucked in v7, despite, we are using v8 in the last release of the project.

Failure Logs


  • Project name: Roby
  • Team name: Dev
  • Environment name: UAT
  • Agent (forest package) name & version: “forest-express-mongoose”: “^8.0.0”,
  • Database type: mongoDB

Hello @fletoxIsHere,

Could you please check the content of your .forestadmin-schema.json on the environment on which you have this issue?

The version we are detecting comes from this file. This file is not automatically re-generated when NODE_ENV=production. The usual process to update it, is generally to test the upgrade on a development environment, which will update the schema file, and then commit both the code (including package.json) AND the schema file containing the changes about version and other changes.

If the schema file references an outdated version, I suggest to re-generate it by launching the agent without NODE_ENV=production at least once to force the re-generation, and save this schema for later use.