Hello All,
I have made some layout modification on the production that I want to copy to my local environment to perform then additionnal changes and repush.
How can I do this ?
Thank you for your answer,
Hello All,
I have made some layout modification on the production that I want to copy to my local environment to perform then additionnal changes and repush.
How can I do this ?
Thank you for your answer,
Hi @walidthebest,
Could you please tell me if your are using the Development Workflow ? If it’s the case your production changes are automatically applied on all your other environments
Could you please tell me what is the name of your project and the name of your devlopment environment ?
Hi Vince,
Frankly I don’t know
Here are both project I am using :
Project name: Silencio - DEVELOPMENT
Project name: Reedoo - DEVELOPMENT
Okey you are using the Development Workflow. So everything you do in production is done also on your development environment. Don’t you see the changes on your local environment ?
Ok perfect, I didn’t axactly remember my changes but now that I made a new try, it worked
Thank you
Hello @vince
Sorry to reopen the case again → I have still the issue
How can I pull the layout from production to development ?
The project is Omerta - please I need help
Hello ,
I just saw that your branches are correctly configured. Normally when you make a change on your Production environment, your Development layout is also updated. Are you sure that you have a difference between your Production and Development environment? Maybe you have a local layout change that conflicts with the modification you made in Production, do you see that you have Changes in the banner at the top of the screen?
Kind regards,