Smart action visible in collection settings but invisible in Roles smart actions permissions

Feature(s) impacted

Smart action

Observed behavior

I have created a smart action. It appears in .forestadmin-schema.json , it is visible in collection settings but a message says it is not allowed by my role.


When I go to Role smart actions permissions I can’t see it to enable it:

Expected behavior

I want to see the smart action in Role smart actions permissions to enable it.


  • Project name: joinly-forest
  • Team name: Admins
  • Environment name: Docker_development
"meta": {
    "liana": "forest-express-mongoose",
    "liana_version": "7.8.2",
    "stack": {
      "database_type": "MongoDB",
      "engine": "nodejs",
      "engine_version": "18.12.1",
      "orm_version": "5.8.13"

oddly, I don’t face the problem in prod once smart action has been deployed

and after deploy, I can see the smart action the Roles smart actions permissions however, the smart action is still not available: it says it is not allowed by my role whereas I allowed it for any role.

can you help me ?

and I have those errors on the smart action when I open the smart action form in prod:


Hi @guillaumejauffret :wave: what I can see, with the information you give me, you are using Docker_development environment, and all role you screened here not well configured for this environment.
Let me know if that help :pray:


as a manager I can use Docker_Development environment and should have permissions for Ajouter un document KYC

don’t you agree ?

as you can see I am connected as Jauffray Dunyach:

and Jauffray Dunyach is a manager:

Hey @guillaumejauffret,

Based on the screenshot you provided, we can’t tell you if the permission for Docker_development are well configured. Your screenshot is related to production permissions.

Note that action visibility vs action permission are different. And that you can have different permissions based on environments.

Can you share a screenshot of the following? :point_down:


Ok thank you @louis , now its all good!! As there is a toggle button just in front of the env name I did not understand I could click on the env name.

Sorry but maybe there is an UI subject… or I am just too tired today… (maybe both :slight_smile: )

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Haha no worries, definitely a UI/UX improvement we can do on our end :+1: