Feature(s) impacted
UI changes saving
Observed behavior
Hi. On our development environment (which deployed) I can’t save UI changes. Behavior looks like this:
- Take “edit layout” button
- Do ANY UI change (rename field, change default sorting, etc)
- It will applied, but until that moment, when we “reload” page (refresh, change environment, relogin)
So, UI changes just reverts back to before change state (but dev tools says it PATCHed and successfully sended to your api)
Same behavior with local dev branch deploy. Do UI changes localy (they stay and not reverted after page reloading), then deploy them to origin branch and nothing changes
Thanks is advance
Expected behavior
UI changes applied after saving
Failure Logs
No error logs, changes applied successfuly in dev tools response
- Project name: ytech_admin
- Team name: Operations
- Environment name: Staging
- Agent type & version: “forest-express-mongoose”: “^8.7.8”
- Recent changes made on your end if any: none
Hello @heyMakar,
Welcome to our community and thanks for your message
Hum, I have an idea of the kind of problem you’re having here.
You probably have a wrong value somewhere in your configuration that is preventing your layout to recompute properly.
Let me check very quickly and I’ll come back to you.
Thanks for your patience.
I confirm the issue I was suspecting: there is an error when recomputing your layout.
I’m still not sure why and how.
We’ll go a bit deeper.
Just to be sure: do you have any similar issue with another environment than Staging?
And on staging, the problem occurs for both of your teams?
Thanks again for your patience.
thanks for response
Checked another env’s - UI update applies successfully on both of them (but they are not updated with new schema from Staging env actually, mb this really a case with “wrong value”, but I don’t understand how it can be linked, and what is this value)
About teams - we only use Operations team, second team is empty
upd. FYI. After model changes (one field rename) this changes just not applies after forestadmin-schema was merged. Localy all fine, field updated and works. Mb this strange behavior can help to resolve issue
Thanks for your response.
Please help me understand exactly what was your use case
- The change you wanted to make was a field renaming on your model (could you please tell me what’s the field name at the origin and finally?)
- You did this change on your local environment first (
Development | nikolaymakarov
- Then you rename the field display name on the UI?
- Then you pushed this change on Staging?
I’m noticing 1 thing on my side: I think your models on Staging are the same than on Production, is it normal?
The change you wanted to make was a field renaming on your model (could you please tell me what’s the field name at the origin and finally?)
Now it any field actually. Initialy faced it on Patient model for default sorting by fullName (this changes not saved, just stay by default _id)
You did this change on your local environment first (Development | nikolaymakarov
I tried to do it with two ways:
- from local dev branch (name correct, yes) and then forest deploy changes (after backend code changes merge, if they exists). I always did changes with that way (noticed “unsaving” bug after did changes with this way)
- directly change Staging UI without branches
Then you rename the field display name on the UI?
Then you pushed this change on Staging?
Not used push, I use forest deploy
cli command
I’m noticing 1 thing on my side: I think your models on Staging are the same than on Production, is it normal?
Think yes, because now Production env waits changes from Staging, but with this bug I just wait and not merge it. (upd. got your question. Yes, that’s ok, because prod env now actually not prod env >.<)
Sorry, mb my answers does not fit your requirements, I just started working with forest after another people. But I fully open to dialog, and give all needed info to fix that issue. Thanks
Hello @heyMakar,
I think we have solved the issue on our side.
Could you please try again to make a UI change on Staging and see if it persists?
The problem was very technical: some changes were applied before some others, which should not be the case and impossible to treat.
We fixed it manually to unlock you, and we’ll investigate deeper to understand how this situation could have happen.
Let me know if you’re all good now!
Checked now, all works, thanks. If I can help with information from my side, I’ll be glad to
Have a nice day
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