Unable to push changes to Staging

Feature(s) impacted

Forest CLI

Observed behavior

Unable to push from Development to Staging.

Attempts to push results into the following behaviour:

forest push
? Push branch branch-name onto Production (Y/n)


forest push --force
× Failed to push branch: cannot "push" to reference environment, please use "deploy"

Meanwhile deploy works as expected.


  • Project name: Kokoon.1
  • Environment name: Staging
  • Agent type & version: forest-express-sequelize : 8.5.9

Development’s origin is Production.
Staging’s origin is Production.

Hello @Adil_Niaz ,

Thanks for sending us a message! It seems that your Development environment has for origin your production, if it is supposed to be based on your Staging environment could you use the forest set-origin command ( set-origin - Developer guide ). Once you run this command you should be able to run your push command :slight_smile:

Please let me know if this solves your problem :pray:

Kind regards,

Florian Gonzales


It used to work with Production as origin for Development before. But I will change the origin to Staging for the next feature.


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Hello @Adil_Niaz ,

Great! Don’t hesitate to come back to us if you encounter any problem when you make this change.

Kind regards,
