Visibility toggling and Access Record setting not working upon successful setting change

Expected behavior

After clicking the eye icon to display the model table and checking “Allow record details display”, I should be able to see my model in the lefthand column and be able to click into it to view records.

Actual behavior

The model is still hidden in the lefthand column and it says “Record access forbidden” when I refresh the page. It seems like the setting changes in the layout aren’t actually saving despite the success status codes.

Failure Logs

I’m only seeing a 204 success from and I get success messages in the UI. Seeing nothing in my terminal.


N/A, this is in the UI

Hi @atangerinee, and welcome to our community :wave:

Could you share:

  • Your project name
  • The version of forest-express-sequelize/mongoose or forest-rails version your are using
  • Any errors logs (In your browser console) that might appear

Thanks is advance

The project name is teampay-admin and the version of forest-express-sequelize is 7.16.0. I get [forest] 🌳🌳🌳 'browseEnabled' access forbidden on sub_vcn_paymentmethods when I attempt to view the records of my model.

I also see a [forest] 🌳🌳🌳 The objectMapping option appears to be missing. Please make sure it is set correctly. {} when I first run forest, but this is not applicable to my issue as the issue was occurring before I upgraded forest-express-sequelize. Thanks!

Hey @atangerinee :wave:

I may have missed something, but I can’t find any environment associated to your project running a v7 liana on my end :thinking:.
I guess the issue is linked to [forest] 🌳🌳🌳 The objectMapping option appears to be missing. Please make sure it is set correctly. Did you completely follow our v7 migration? (This could still be related to your issue, since this error prevent the Liana.init to start correctly)

Although, we currently don’t have a forest-express-sequelize@7.16.0, was that a typo?

Finally, [forest] 🌳🌳🌳 'browseEnabled' access forbidden on sub_vcn_paymentmethods that this is a permission/roles issue. Do you have browse enabled on the sub_vcn_paymentmethods collection?

Thank you, I followed the v7 migrations and resolved that error, although now I’m receiving a Cannot properly read the ".forestadmin-schema.json" file: "orm_version" is required when attempting to apply my schema to my staging environment. Any ideas on why this is happening?

Hello @atangerinee :wave:

You are almost done :raised_hands: Can you upgrade your forest-cli to latest version using:

npm install -g forest-cli@latest

and then run the forest schema:apply command once again please ?

You schema should be correctly sent to our servers :+1:

Keep me in touch :slight_smile:


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