Workspace edits are not always saved

Feature(s) impacted

Ability to edit (and save) workspaces

Observed behavior

  1. Open a workspace
  2. Edit/add new elements
  3. Save
  4. Refresh page
  5. Edits are not saved

NOTE: not always happening

Expected behavior

  1. Open a workspace
  2. Edit/add new elements
  3. Save
  4. Refresh page
  5. Edits should be saved

Failure Logs

This is a screen recording: CleanShot 2023-08-29 at 16.18.05 · CleanShot Cloud


  • Project name: Tenure Health
  • Team name: Tenure Health
  • Environment name: stage (and prod)
  • Browser: Arc 1.5.1

Thank you for the report.
We are on it, we will fix it as soon as possible :pray:


Hi @mxmk,
The fix is live. Could you let me know if it works on your side :pray: ?


Hi @vince , thank you for the fix. Initial tests look fine :+1:
I’ll update more workspaces today and let you know in case I’m having issues.