Environment Layout Messed Up

Hey all,

I’ve noticed that our environments have suffered a miss-configuration or so because every environment is displaying the collections as hidden. Other than that, when I enable the collection again, I cannot see any segment or similar. The table views lost all the formatting and the fields are randomly being displayed

I’m wondering if something happen.
Is it possible to recover the latest state of the environment?


  • Project name: TymeshiftFA
  • Team name: Tymeshift Default Team
  • Environment name: US1 (production), US2, EU1, stagin, dev (remotes)
  • Recent changes made on your end if any: Tried to create a new environment

Hi @Raphael_Neves ,

We have just rolled back to your last production environment rendering backup.
However, we will need to investigate the issue you encountered.

Would you be available for a quick call?

Here is my calendar => Calendly - Salim Ameur.


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Hey @salim ,

Life saver!! TYSM.
Sure thing, I will set a time for us