Getting error while modifying Segment where cause.
Observed behavior
Getting error while adding where clause in segment
Expected behavior
The segment should be created with updated where cause.
Field type
"field": "roles",
"type": ["Enum"],
"defaultValue": null,
"enums": ["AUTHOR", "READER"],
"integration": null,
"isFilterable": true,
"isPrimaryKey": false,
"isReadOnly": false,
"isRequired": false,
"isSortable": true,
"isVirtual": false,
"reference": null,
"inverseOf": null,
"validations": []
roles: {
type: DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.ENUM(
Error Log
"Invalid patch value (path: "/collections/user/layout/segments/4223c9f0-543e-11ec-8a97-3f44d1665879/filter", op: "replace",
value: {"type":"and",
"conditions":[{"operator":"includes all","value":["AUTHOR"],
"id":"4222b880-543e-11ec-8a97-3f44d1665879"}): ValidationError: child "conditions" fails because ["conditions" at position 0 fails because [child "value" fails because ["value" must be a string, "value" must be a number, "value" must be a boolean]]]"
- Project name: Laterpress
- Environment name: Development
- Database Dialect: postgresql
- Agent type & version: base
- Recent changes made on your end if any: We are modifying where clause column