URGENT: Can't access board: your password is incorrect, please try again

When trying to connect to my internal board, i got this message.



Hi @Aarbel :wave: I need more informations in order to help you.
I have some questions for you:

  • what is your project name?
  • it’s a Forest Admin generated project or an In-App installation?
  • what is the version of forest-express-mongoose?
  • did you change something?
  • can you share with us the result of the request from your network browser console tab?


  • Project name: “CLOVIS All Admins”
  • Forest Admin generated
  • forest-express-mongoose 5.7.0
  • no, i just added “algorithms: [“HS256”],” in app.use(jwt …) to try to fix the problem (without success)

One error in queries with a 401 “IP whitelist error”, but i have no ways to edit it because of no access

Hello @Aarbel,

If you click on Back to project list, you’ll have a list of all your projects.

Using the vertical three dots on the left of each project, you can display a menu containing a link to your projects settings.

You should be able to use this link to edit your list of authorized ips on your project.

I have a field for url (not ip), which works and redirects well to forestadmin. But the internal password throws me this error

Looks also that ip whitelist is a Plan Plus feature, we are in free plan

Ok, also I can see in our admin panel that your project does not have the ip whitelist feature active.

Your problem might be related to the recent expiration of the root certificate of Let’s Encrypt. Did you use your admin panel since September?

If it is not the case, I suppose that the system on which your agent is running is not up to date, and still uses the old root certificate.

Can you please run the following command on the server that is running your agent: curl https://api.forestadmin.com? If you get a 404, it means that the root certificate is probably ok. But if you get a SSL error, it indicates that the problem comes from your system not being up to date.

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