Can't remove users from the UI

I am an admin and when I navigate to project settings then users and I try to remove the user using the button in danger zone area, i always get an error : User deletion failed: unexpected error.

Expected behavior

I would normally expect that user gets deleted after i type in “CONFIRM REMOVE” and submit

Actual behavior

orange notification with the message “User deletion failed: unexpected error”

Failure Logs

the browser console shows the following errors :

Source map error: Error: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
Resource URL:

Since this happens on the UI side, i dont think the project backend has any link to this error

Hey @yawmyd, and welcome to our community :wave:

I’ve just tried on my end and I’m currently unable to reproduce.

Could you share your project name so I can check if I see anything from our end? (With any of the user you try to remove, privately if you consider it a private information).

Thanks :pray: