Migration issue

Hey guys hope you’re doing well.

After the “Forest Admin Important Migration”, we’ve noticed that the summary views not applied on production env disappeared.
Here is our process workflow : we copy the views from local > staging > preprod (prod is the last step).
Salim & Louis helped us to migrate forest to the new version.
But, we can’t find the work we’ve done (previously applied on local, staging & preprod), could you help us retrieve it please ?


Please provide in this mandatory section, the relevant information about your configuration:

  • Project name: Nostrum Care
  • Team name: Admin
  • Environment name: Local, Preprod, Staging
  • Agent type & version:
    forest-express-sequelize": "^7.0.0",

Thanks in advance for your help.

Have a nice day.


The production env is less up to date.

Hey @nadiab :wave:

I’m sorry to hear that you have lost some configuration during the migration to our new Development Workflow.

Unfortunately, as stated in the banner during the migration, the layout of your remote and dev envs will be replaced by the production env. And there is no way to retrieve them.

We’re really sorry for the inconvenience.


Tbh we were forced to migrate (emails from Forest Admin), it wasn’t part of our sprint at all.
We booked an appointment to migrate & the only element that was given to us during the migration was : “it’s quick & easy, just click start migration process, next, next…”. Not “be careful, you’ll lost all your layouts”. As you know the migration wasn’t a success & you joined us during the call.

I acknowledge that my message won’t bring back our configurations, but that would be great to underline the warnings during the call.

Available for a feedback session.