User deletion not possible

Feature(s) impacted

User deletion

Observed behavior

I have two Forestadmin user accounts. Both belong to me, I had created them for testing purposes. I would like to delete one of the two accounts except that when I want to delete I have the following error message: “User deletion failed: Cannot remove an organization owner from project” the problem is that I cannot delete either of the two accounts. If I connect one to delete the other it does not work and vice versa.

Expected behavior

Deleting one of the two user accounts


  • Project name : Constel Education
  • Agent type & version : “forest-express-sequelize”: “^8.0.0”,

Hello @Danny_Louveton,

You can remove your second account with the following procedure:

  1. access the organization settings with the account you want to delete
  2. add your second account as an owner of the organisation
  3. login with your second account, the one you want to keep
  4. remove the account you want to remove from organization’s owners
  5. go to your project settings and remove the account from project’s users